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Don’t Fight Your Inner Fat Kid

I don’t trust people who don’t like chocolate.

I can’t trust them because I’ll never be able to understand them.

As a Level 1 Trainer, I preach the benefits of clean eating to our athletes at CrossFit Chamblee in Atlanta, GA every day. But I have a dirty little secret: I love chocolate. I want to eat it all the time. In fact, I adore all kinds of sweet and sugary indulgences. There are moments when the only thing that will satisfy me is a rich, creamy, insulin-spiking (read: glorious) cupcake.

Unfortunately, for those of you like me, you know that just staring at said cupcake has the potential to add five pounds to your thighs. Sigh.

If you struggle to eat cleanly on account of a serious sweet tooth, take heart – it’s not only possible to satisfy those cravings, “intelligent indulgence” will actually help keep you on track to achieving your larger health goals.

Is Functional Fitness For You?


It’s been just over two years since I walked into a gym for my very first WOD, and if you’re anything like I was in the weeks and months leading up to that day, you may have some conflicting feelings toward the functional fitness movement.

One of these might be curiosity – you aren’t getting the results you’d like from your current fitness efforts, you’ve read our CF Primer, and you’ve seen what the sport has done for friends, so why not you too?

On the other hand, hesitation – it’s a “cult,” or so claims your opinionated (but not-that-fit) colleague whenever the subject comes up over lunch. I’m often told that functional fitness is great for some but “not for me,” and while Athletes would argue that our needs differ not by kind but by degree, obviously the best fitness program in the world is useless if you don’t stick with it.

So how might you think about whether a functional fitness program is great for you?

CrossFit Primer: The ‘Sport of Fitness’

Kevin BoxJump

CrossFit, it’s all over the place these days.

Every neighborhood and surrounding suburb seems to have at least one gym, or “box” as they’re called – if not, plans are probably in the works as you read this article. And everyone has an opinion. People who CrossFit won’t stop talking about it.  People who don’t, well, won’t stop talking about people who won’t stop talking about it.

So what exactly is it anyway?