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Enjoy Thanksgiving Without Losing Your Gains!

As an adult, Thanksgiving has replaced Christmas as my favorite holiday. (If only Santa were real – sigh.)

Whether you’re home with family or hanging with friends via “Orphan Thanksgiving”, you get to spend the day doing three of my favorite things – eating awesome food with loved ones while watching football. What’s there not to love about this wonderful November day?

3 Tips to Surviving Airport Food

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many of you will find yourselves faced with the dilemma of the desire to stay healthy (and for some of us, completely paleo) and facing the dreaded situation of eating airport food. Check out these tips on how you can plan ahead to survive airport food during your next trip.

  • Tip #1: Bring Your Own Food

    Out of all the tips in this blog, this one is my favorite. Why? Because when you bring your own food with you, you have complete control over what you’re eating and tasting. Plus, it’s one of the cheapest options out there! All you need to buy is tupperware containers with secure lids to ensure that nothing leaks in your carry-on and you’re good to go.

Don’t Fight Your Inner Fat Kid

I don’t trust people who don’t like chocolate.

I can’t trust them because I’ll never be able to understand them.

As a Level 1 Trainer, I preach the benefits of clean eating to our athletes at CrossFit Chamblee in Atlanta, GA every day. But I have a dirty little secret: I love chocolate. I want to eat it all the time. In fact, I adore all kinds of sweet and sugary indulgences. There are moments when the only thing that will satisfy me is a rich, creamy, insulin-spiking (read: glorious) cupcake.

Unfortunately, for those of you like me, you know that just staring at said cupcake has the potential to add five pounds to your thighs. Sigh.

If you struggle to eat cleanly on account of a serious sweet tooth, take heart – it’s not only possible to satisfy those cravings, “intelligent indulgence” will actually help keep you on track to achieving your larger health goals.